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GEB website!

If you're looking for information about Global E-Business Master Degree your are on the spot-on.

Please have a look at our Alunmi and About GEB sections to find out more! Most recent items are just below :)"

-The GEB team !-

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"I valued a lot to be there in GEB Master. Every students shared knowledge and fun with each other."

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"It wasn't expected to enjoy so much with my classmates. Moreover, some teachers was always sharing their experiences, that was crucial."

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"Though it is not a technical Master degree, along the year we would review the basics of E-Business. Maybe it was not enough technical.."
-John Connor-

Showcase of the students' life in GEB:

GEB Students work(ed) there:

Discover companies created by students

Students' reviews

"I valued a lot to be there in GEB Master. Every students shared knowledge and fun with each other."

"It wasn't expected to enjoy so much with my classmates. Moreover, some teachers shared their experiences, that was crucial."

"Though it is not a technical Master degree, along the year we would review the basics of E-Business. Maybe it was not enough technical..."

"The Master Degree was well organized with lessons first then project and the internship. I took the opportunity to create my own business which I do not regret at all because it laught me a lot."

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